Build 2020 census cross-tabulations

Explore US Census 2020 data by creating your own custom table.

  • Create a custom table

    Use our tabulator to build cross-tabulations built from differentially-private 2020 census data.

  • Area Profile

    Use our interactive area profile to explore population demographics down to County level for the Census 2020 Person PPMF.

What is this site?

This site allows users to create custom tabulations of the 2020 PPMF census microdata.

Data is sourced from the 2020 Census Privacy-Protected Microdata File (PPMF), prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau, 2024. Public release of the 2020 Census Privacy-Protected Microdata File (PPMF) has been authorized by the Census Bureau’s Disclosure Review Board (clearance number: CBDRB-FY22-DSEP-004).


Supporting information

  1. Explore our metadata

    Find structural and reference metadata for populations and variables.